I have mounted the fuses (and relays) on the front of the battery shelf, but one problem here is where everything else is going to go. The bracket in this photo is made out of lots of aluminium angle (from the offcuts bin at Mackays, a place of great wonder) and a collection of rivets. It's about time I got some argon gas and aluminium wire to try my hand at aluminium welding, but it's probably as difficult as everyone says. Unfortunately, I will have to find space on the battery shelf for rather a lot more stuff:
I've noticed that I'm hardly referring to the build manual at all at the moment. This isn't really a criticism of the build manual, just an observation based on the fact that it's a different sort of thing from the Westfield one. The Rush manual is just an indication of what can be done, backed up by quite a lot of rather good drawings. The Westfield manual is a step-by-step series of instructions, but without the same sort of technical quality drawings. On the whole I think I prefer the Rush one. Mind you, I much prefer the quality of the powder coating on the Westfield chassis. I really wish I had got the Rush chassis uncoated, and then waxoyled/painted it myself. Oh well, next time... |
However, I did manage to mount the washer bottle (which I bought from Europa) down low on the engine compartment side of the passenger's footwell. I had originally bought a cheap washer floppy bag-thing, but eventually decided that it wouldn't fit anywhere. I also separated all the wiring into left and right sides and re-wrapped the wires in loom tape so that I could attach it to the chassis, as shown here, with the inevitable tie-wraps. Talking of tie wraps, I have been trying to find some butch dimensioned ones, which I think I'll need to control the position of the handbrake cables. I finally located some in the Screwfix catalogue, of all places, but I had to order a bag of 100 which should keep me going for a long time yet! |
One possible problem is that I can't detect any impedance of the solenoid itself. As far as I can see, this should be possible so it's just feasible that the starter is duff. I think I'll take it out and along to Lucas in Cambridge. I'm pretty sure that they can set such things there and it would be rather better to do this before getting the car completely together. Perhaps I'll ask them to test the alternator at the same time. |
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