It actually didn't take that long to get it to this position, but I'm aware that I've just thrown away quite a few things that needed making in order to get here. The hard brake lines, for example, are all in the bin as I'd not be happy reusing them. The thing was, I then had to decide how to clean up the chassis properly. |
I suppose I might change my mind though... |
The first repair is this cross piece where the prop thumped it mega-hard. As you can see, it almost tore through the steel; it's probably very lucky that it didn't. |
So, I spent a while debating what to do and finally decided that I had to do it properly while I had the chance. So, I cut away the entire lower rear suspension mounting! I then bolted the diff itself back into the chassis, as seen in the photo here. I can then use the diff as a datum to align a new construction with. |
The other thing I've done can be seen at the bottom right. When I got the chassis originally, Fishers had forgotten to weld in the inside crotch strap mounts. I've just had them bolted in for ages but with everything clean and no powder coating to mess up, it made sense to weld them into position properly. Given the trouble that Dan has had, I'm clearly lucky to have got away with just this one chassis problem. Next up will be more chassis repairs. I'm starting to get the bits in I need to actually do the rebuild though. I'll probably get the braking stuff and what I need to make a new loom next... |
In the meantime I've been pressing on with the chassis. I've finished rebuilding the rear suspension as in the photo. The only things to do are a) weld in the lower wishbone mounting points and b) do some of the welding on the bottom of the chassis. Those things will be easier to do when I've taken the diff out again and turned the chassis upside down, respectively. I don't want to do those two things yet as I want to trial fit the engine and measure up for the size of a new propshaft. |
In the meantime, the new programme for RGB next year has been announced. Well the provisional version has. It looks great with a double header at Oulton and a weekend away in Anglesey. I'm a happy camper with that... |
As you can see from the photo, I've continued hacking away at the chassis. In fact, I've completely removed the pedal box here. Rather than modifying the pedal box, I've decided to buy a complete 3-pedal box and fit that to the chassis. However, it's going to need a good but of cutting and shutting to make it fit. After some thought, the easiest thing to do seemed to be to completely cut the existing one away, so I did... |
The big advantage to having the chassis completely clear is that it's easy to get at things like this with the welder, and hence easier to make a decent fist of the welds. But, I've just reminded myself, my big bottle of argon/CO2 is just about empty and I ought to go and buy a new one. Problem is, I can't find my BOC account number, or at least it isn't where I thought it was. |
You should note that the engine has got a starter motor fitted. This is Colin Chapman's spare that he's kindly letting me use on extended loan. I suspect that he's hoping that it'll fail just as I'm heading off from the assembly area at some point next year. |
So, I lowered the complete chassis to the ground and took off the damaged engine mount that you can see in the above photo. I balanced the engine on a pad of PostIt notes to get it at the right sort of height. That's probably not going to be a viable long term strategy though. I put the seat (also fire damaged) in the chassis and started making a temporary pedal box out of very thin aluminium. You can see the new pedal box (from these people) sitting in there. I've also attached a couple of old master cylinders to it, just to make the brake pedal a bit springy. They're also fire marked, as you can tell from the colour of them, and I certainly won't be using them again although they're fine for this. I ended up with the pedals a good distance in front of where they used to be, although eagle eyed readers will note that I've cut out the dash support tube. It was now where my knees wanted to be, but I'll have to arrange something different for supporting the top of the steering column. I'm not quite sure how at the moment. |
As you can see, I'm also practising my left foot braking technique. I'm not sure, but I don't think I'll use duct tape for tensioning the new pedal box either. |
Problem is, I probably ought to replace the asthmatic little compressor that I bought from Dan a couple of years ago, especially now I realise how useful they are. |