I went up to Chris's at the weekend. Chris is a cam7er who, for various reasons has a large quantity of wire in his garage. I snaffled enough of it to make a loom with, for the grand total of £3. I haven't actually paid him yet but I will, honest! |
I've also updated the loom diagram so it's now got lots of wiring colours on it. I have aimed to make the loom as simple as possible, but the idea is to put some effort into making sure the connections are really good so as to cause as few problems as possible. With that in mind the connections in the loom, which are current all to the connector at the bottom of the picture, are going to be crimped, soldered and with some heat-shrink over the top... |
First of all I stripped everything out of this loom that I really needed, which was really the CDi connector and everything intimately associated with it. |
One interesting bit about the required loom is that the fireblade includes a device, I suspect in the ignition switch, that is protection against hot-wiring the bike. This is defeated by putting a 390 ohm resistor into one of the wires from the CDi unit (the pink one, in fact), the other end of which goes to the 12V power rail. This resistor was already there as the original owner had test run the bike, although in his case he had bodged the entire loom around. I did this neatly (his soldering was appalling) and used lots of shrinkwrap to hold everything in place. |
This is everything connected to the connectors marked as "engine/scuttle connectors" in the wiring diagram, which I have been updating as I go. Obviously I've had to guess the lengths of all the wires, but they're mostly left as flying leads so that I can terminate them properly once the loom is in the car. This all means that I've finished all of the loom, with the exception of the wiring for the dash. I ordered a bunch of stuff before the weekend from Vehice Wiring Products with which to make most of the dash so I can probably mock that up in a while. I've decided to make a lot of very simple switchgear (easier to flail at in a crisis) using mostly toggle switches. I've also been experimenting with high-brightness LEDs to make the dashboard lights. That's been pretty successfu; and I'll use a collection of such lights for dashboard, probably with a large cluster, such as this, for the low oil pressure warning light. |
I sent an email to Martin Bell this week, trying to check up on the delivery time of my chassis. It still seems as though it might happen in time, which would be this coming Saturday. However, it's not really possible to be sure. What I don't know about is how much of the rest of the stuff will also be coming. Still, as long as I've got something to do... |
Bummer! I had an email from Martin Bell today telling me that the chassis was delayed until the middle/end of next week. He says that one of the problem is the odd size of the roll cage (to go over my head). Oh well, I really will have to work out some way of mocking up the dashboard then. |