“You’ve not updated your website”, they say. Apparently the fact that I’ve done nothing is insufficient excuse. So, I thought I’d cobble something together anyway.
First up, here’s a smidgeon of video from that day. I’ve also updated to the new version of Trackvision which makes producing videos a bit easier because it understands the MPEG-4 files that the camera produces. The eagle-eyed will notice Colin and Adrian too in the clip.
After the Snetterton trackday I didn’t really do much to the car for ages. In fact, it sat in the garage on the trailer while I went skiing. That’s something I haven’t done for a couple of years and in the meantime someone appears to have stolen the muscles in my legs. I was complete wasted when I got home and couldn’t face doing anything in the garage.
When I did finally make it back the biggest thing I wanted to sort was the socking great hole in the bonnet, as so artfully displayed here. This doesn’t stand a chance of satisfying the club scrutineers so I spent a day metal bashing and ended up with this, a photo that’s taken from the other side of the bonnet with the express intention on confusing you all. This is a sort of snuggish fit to the airbox that, hopefully, the scrutineers will let me get away with. The only problem is that it needs a little removeable panel at the rear of the ‘box without which you can’t actually close the bonnet.
That doesn’t look much but it seemed to take ages to do.
After that I’ve been doing a collection of smaller things to make the car race-ready. I’ve wired in the lambda sensor to the data logger so that I’ve now got a channel that logs air/fuel ratio. It’ll be interesting to see how well that works. It’d still be nice to get the car along to a rolling road though.
I spent a while trying to make the gearchange work a bit better. Essentially, I battered the ends of the gearchange shaft about with a mini grinding wheel. With luck this’ll help the gearchange cranks grip a bit better. If this doesn’t work then I’m going to have to drill the cranks and shaft to take something like a roll-pin. Problem is, that might be rather hard as the shaft’s made out of such hard material.
I’ve decided to change all the brake pads as they’re getting a bit ancient. Luckily, I’ve booked the day before the Snetterton race meeting for testing and I can use a bit of the day to bed in the new pads. Mind you, it’s a bit of a waste of expensive track time.
I was thinking about that and I realised that I have absolutely no idea how to get the CBR1000 off the start line. Hmm,this could be embarrassing…
I’ve got quite a list of things to do yet to the car, in fact it’s a MoSCoW list…
Best news of all is that the finals are out for the Snetterton race. The first race is actually going to be 28 minutes, plus a lap. That could be exhausting…