Finished what? Well, just a moment and I’ll tell you. Up first, though, is a riveting photo of a wheel and tyre. This is a new A048R mounted on one of the wheels that I bought from Compomotive a while ago. I know it looks just like one of the Fury wheels but it’s got a different offset. When I took the car to Andy’s I had real trouble getting it on the trailer because the different offset of the Fury wheels I was using at the time meant that that track was 38mm wider than it should be.
I’ve also been struggling with bleeding the brakes. In fact, if you look to the rear of the photo about you’ll see that one of the fluid reservoirs was empty when I took the photo. Since then I’ve changed the master cylinder, twice, and pumped about 5 litres of brake fluid through the front brake circuit to no great avail. A reader suggested that I try reverse bleeding the system which I will do as soon as I get a new oil can for squirting fluid up the system backwards. (I don’t think cleaning out my ancient oil can is really a good idea for brake use!)
So, while I’m waiting I’m pressing on. One thing I’ve done it to make a little heat shield to sit under part of the exhaust system to shield the brake and clutch lines that run under it. I hope this’ll be OK; at least it’s only the rear brakes.
As you can probably tell, I’ve POR-15ed the silencer mounting tube that Andy added. I’ve also worked my way through 8 exhaust header gaskets (at £6 each!) trying to get a decent seal to the headers. I think it’s OK now although cylinder 2 seems to be leaking very, very, very slightly. I’ll have to tweak that one up a bit. The odd think is that Mr Honda specifies the torque settings for the exhaust port studs (M7, would you believe) at 14Nm which is about enough to hold down a feather or two…
Then it was back to the red stuff; here’s the tub sitting on the chassis looking all, well, red. (Tom’s really annoyed at me for doing it red again…)
The problem with this is that there’s a socking great hole above the sidepods on both sides of the car, the sort of hole that’ll give a scrutineer heart failure. So, I needed to do a bit more, whisper it, panelling.
Sod it… How had I managed to forget this.
Oh well, I got stuck in with aluminium, cardboard and rivets and finally did the driver’s side panelling, as in the next photo. What you can see here is that there’s a vertical “wall” at either end of this horizontal bit which at least approaches sealing to the tub. When I’ve got a moment I may make some little extra trim pieces to make this fit snugger than it is at the moment.
However, at the moment I’ve got the other side to do. Sigh…
Nice to see your making some good progress. Do you think you’ll be out in the car this year or are you going to use the Fury the for the rest of the rounds, given that you are leading the Championship ! 🙂
Your guess is as good as mine. However, as I’ve just bent the Fury (look out for the next update) the issue’s now even more complicated…
Nothing serious I hope 🙁
Not too bad. Pain in the bum though:
Feh, call that bent? That’s not bent, that’s merely slightly crumpled… 😉
Is it just bodywork ?
No, the damper’s knackered as are a number of rod ends and the upright. Also one of the suspension mounting’s been torn out of the chassis. 🙁