I got the wiring loom a while ago from Premier, and it looks pretty good. However, I need to spend a while sorting out which bit is which. This is made rather difficult for me as I'm colour blind and working out what is precisely meant by "slate/blue", for example, can be tricky. Luckily the rest of family is not afflicted the same way and is used to helping me out in situations like this. |
These pipes are rather different from the ones that were on the Westfield. Those were steel and were pre-installed in the chassis. They were very difficult to bend whereas these are quite malleable. I've been musing, again, about what carburetter to get for the engine. There seem to be three choices:
Needless to say there are large differences in the prices of things like this. The RPI price for the carb, manifold, etc amounts to about £560 whereas the price from my friends at Real Steel for the Edelbrock comes to about £440, with the Holley being a bit less still. (At least these are the prices in my current catalogue. These could well be wrong now as Real Steel source a lot of stuff direct from the US, meaning that their prices tend to fluctuate depending on the pound/dollar rate. |
I installed the front tee piece, using a rivnut for neatness, and installed the pipe that goes from the appropriate (there are two on the Rush) master cylinder to the tee piece. Just for now, I will leave the end of the brake pipe loose, until I find out where the pedals are going to go. I then checked the routing for the rear cylinder/tee piece pipe using a piece of string. The supplied pipes do indeed appear to be the right length. The rear tee piece was installed and I started bending the pipe to fit. Fitting these pipes is really slow work, as I'm trying to do it as neatly as possible. |
I ran the rear pipe up one of the diagonal chassis tubes that goes from the area of the gearbox mounting to just above the diff. This seems to allow a reasonably neat installation while being short enough for the pipes to fit. |
I started to mount the rear extension, which now runs up the other diagonal chassis tube. The problem is, I don't have much idea yet of what the wiring is going to be like under the scuttle (or even a very clear idea of where the scuttle will be!) so I just left the front end neatly tied up for now. Finally I started to install the fuel pipe that goes fro the pump at the rear of the car to the front. (You can see the pipe in the photo here.) I had bought some plastic coated P clips for attaching this, but they seemed rather clumsy as the attachment is to the side of the pipe itself. So, I rivetted some tie-wrap bases to the chassis which provided a neater solution. The big problem with the pipe is where it goes. At the engine end I don't really know where I'll want it to go as I don't know what the carb is going to be like (see earlier). Even worse although I have the fuel pump I don't have a clue where to mount it as the manual is completely absent on the subject. I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out though. |
I've spent a little bit of time the last few days making sure that I understand everything in the loom, and labelling all the wires with writing. (Rather than the colours which aren't very helpful, as mentioned before.) I now know what everything does and will be in a position to try installing it in the car at the weekend. If I get this and the petrol pipes done then I'll have all of the "front to back" things done. I'm rather pleased with the loom, which seems a nice piece of work. The fittings are indeed all set up for the Sierra steering column, but I will try and get the proper connectors for it. If I can't manage to get them I will have to find some individual ones that work, or just solder straight to the connection pins on the column. One thing I do need to do is to find some relays. Specifically, I need two normal on/off relays, a wiper intermittent one and a flasher unit. Perhaps I can raid these from a scrapyard too? |
I couldn't actually find an early Sierra, the sort that produced the column I've got, but as far as I could see the connectors looked the same and having got them home they did seem to be correct. So, I wired them into the loom and tried to test it all so that it actually reponded to the column switches in the correct manner. This went mostly OK until at one point I lost leave of my senses. The indicators worked, but the connection was a bit dodgy. As I couldn't find a can of switch cleaner I squirted some carb cleaner in the switch. This is, I think, roughly the same sort of stuff except that it does not include the lubricant that's in switch cleaner. Anyway, what it seemed to do was to remove all the lubrication and although the switch worked actually better than before, it was rather stiff. I've tried to lubricate it again and things have improved but not wonderfully. I have been wondering if the switches off a Mark II Sierra would fit the column as they are actually rather nicer in appearance. Still, I'll put up with it for now. |
All the same I threaded the pipe through until it was just at the right place. Curiously, at one point I ended up threading the pipe through the bend in a brake pipe in a manner that's very reminiscent of something at the back end of the Westfield... |
There wasn't very much time this evening, but as there's a possibility that Alex can get some other stuff grit blasted I degreased the old engine mountings and a couple of other bits. I've realised that there are some other bits as well, so I'll try and get those cleaned up too... I had an extremely useful email from Ian Crocker of SEiGHT web site fame concerning carburettors and inlet manifolds. He is essentially of the Holley school, knowing someone who has had terrible trouble getting a Weber 500 set up right. (This also tallies with the information on Dave Ellis's web site.) He also had a useful formula for telling you the required flow rate of a carb. This says that the flow rate of the carb in cfm (cubic feet per minute, a nice SI unit) is cid*rpm/3456 where cid is the displacement in cubic inchs. For a 3.5 engine (215 cubic inchs) this gives a required rate that says that the Holley 390 is a OK. Certainly people like Real Steel clearly sell a lot of these devices. The one problem, according to Ian and which I've read about elsewhere, is that the positions of the float chambers causes problems when cornering. There are other Holley devices, in particular the "double pumper" ones that have centre hung floats that avoid these problems. All in all, I think I'm getting pushed towards the Holley at the moment. I'll give the chaps at Real Steel a ring and ask them later this week. |
I phoned up Real Steel and had a chat about induction things. They said that the Edelbrock carb is indeed the same as the Weber 500, and recommended the Edelbrock manifold, as opposed to the Offenhauser one. The latter is lower but not as well designed, apparently. This fits with what other people have told me, but the lowness remains an attraction. The chap there didn't really want to be drawn on the Holley vs Edelbrock issue, but did comment that many many people were using the Holley. He did admit, though, that the side-hung fuel bowl was an issue. I'm actually not sure where the Edelbrock is on this point. However, I think I'll go along and have a look. Unfortunately, they haven't got the Edelbrock manifolds in until next weekend so there isn't much point going until then. |
In order to try the fitting I unpacked the back rest panel from its polythene coffin. It certainly looks like a high quality bit of plastic, which is nice. One thing that will become an issue when fitting this is headrests. If I decide to go for the Dax squab seats (as in this photo) then I want to make some head restraints. I really don't like the sight of heads flopping about without them. Of course, if I fit seats such as the ones in the Westfield then it isn't such an issue. I will have to fit head restraints by making some stout steel brackets and fixing them to the rear top chassis rail, near or perhaps on, the seatbelt mountings. |
It was pretty easy to attach the lever and the front bit of the cable, which loops around to under the gearbox mounting and attached to a bracket pre-welded to the chassis. |
The (rather unpleasantly got at) photo here is looking backwards from the rear of the car. The horizontal member at the bottom is the stand that is holding up the car with the aid of the wooden blocks that can be seen. The chassis bracket is clearly visible, as is the seat bottom just behind, and shrouding, it. I think I'll have to phone Dax about this on Monday. |
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