I went to Mackay’s, Cambridge’s best shop, and bought the requisite 32mm socket and with that I managed to tighten up the hub nuts. Odd that the nuts seem to have gone on so far that I can’t stake them. Perhaps they ought to have a great thick washer under them like the Sierra ones on the back of the Fury had?
However, that isn’t the real issue. It seems as though the driveshaft length issue might be worse than I thought. I tried to move the driveshaft around a bit, just by hand, and it went “CLUNK” in a nice mechanical way. I thought that was a bit odd but after that the articulation was rather worse than it was before. That is, I’m now seriously limiting the travel of the damper. This isn’t clever.
You can almost see the problem in the photo above. This is of the inner CV cup and you can see that the tripode is a long way inside the cup. The problem is that as the wheel moves upwards the tripode seems to foul on the end of the bearing cup. Try as I might I can’t see how this is anything other than the driveshaft being too long. What’s more I can’t think of anyone to blame for this other than me. I’ll have an even more careful check tomorrow but I might well have to get some more.
Of course, this doesn’t say what the clunk was. the only thing I can think of is that the outer bearing, which is located in the axial direction by a circlip, was actually inserted a little bit too far in the joint. When I moved it the circlip clunked into position with the shaft actually in a slightly worse position. Just a hypothesis of course.
Before I decided to check this I’d managed to get the rear tracking, stringing and camber all set. At least that’s a little move forwards I guess. Problem is, overall I seem to be going backwards.