Nothing to play with


There’s not too much to talk about really as the car’s gone away. However, a few people were nagging me to update the site so here I am again.

As discussed, I took the car up to Tony Law Exhausts last Wednesday. The weather, as most readers will know if you’re not reading up on history, was horrible but Wednesday was a bit of a break in the blizzard conditions. When I left it, the chaps there were a a bit vacant about how long it was going to be. I impressed on them about the track day that’s coming up on Saturday!!!! I know other people are feeling a bit pressured, such as Adrian, but at least he’s got a car in his garage.

In the meantime, I tidied up the garage which you can’t really tell from the photo here as it still looks dead messy. It is really, it’s just better than it was.

I phoned TLE again today and the car’s going to be ready tomorrow. I’ll probably leave it till Wednesday to go up there though. Once I get it back, I’ve got a long list of things to do to the car before taking it to Snetterton. This includes:

  • Bunging up the hole round the airbox
  • Refitting the rear undertray.
  • Fitting the front undertray. This is not trivial as I’m going to have to cut a hole in it to clear a bit of the CBR1000’s sump.
  • Refitting the electronics (data logger, display) and recalibrating for the new engine. (Hmmm, I wonder what the rev limit is for the CBR1000?
  • Check all the suspension. It’s been sitting there all winter not doing anything and I probably ought to at least make that nothing’s fallen to bits,
  • Adjust the new brake master cylinder pushrods. In fact, I probably ought to bleed the brakes again.
  • Check the oil in the diff, somethign else that I’ve just ignored all winter.

I just hope that the weather is going to be OK this weekend. I guess I wouldn’t mind that much if it was raining, but ice and snow wouldn’t be fun.