I wonder if it works?

Well, after all that faff at the weekend I’ve actually got the car back together now. It started first time too, at which point I turned if off immediately because I realised I hadn’t actually put any coolant in it. Miraculously, it didn’t even take that long to get the oil pressure up. Normally when you remove the pressure relief valve in the bottom of the engine and allow the main oil gallery to empty then it takes ages and ages of spinning the engine to get the pressure up again. This time it happened almost immediately!

I just need to put it on the floor and do the obligatory bit of suspension alignment checking (why does it move all the time??) before I’m ready for the next race weekend. Of course, the only problem is that I don’t really know if either:

  • I’ve actually fixed anything or
  • it doesn’t leak oil out of one of the many places where I’ve had it in bits.

But, I can’t really see what I can do about that. The next meeting is at Oulton which has got a good deal of tarmac for driving about on so I should be able to try it to some extent, at least, before taking it on the circuit.