Differenced engine

chain_diffI’ve pressing on with the engine/gearbox mountings. Well, “pressing” is clearly a metaphor for something rather different. However, I have made some progress.

First of all, I’ve changed my mind how to do the diff mounting, as I realised that the original idea wasn’t going to work very well when it came to changing the sprockets and chain. Continue reading “Differenced engine”

14 steps forward, 52 back

rear_mounts_02I’ve been pressing on with the engine mounts and, after a minor false start, got the rear side of the engine set up as in this photo. The false start can been seen if you look really hard at the bottom right of the photo where you can see the first set of mountings for this transverse assembly. This is at a slightly jaunty angle. This all worked fine but it dawned on me that it was going to be impossible to actually fit the engine like that as it couldn’t move around the top mounts without requiring huge compliance of the rear mounts. It might have worked when I replaced the metal top hat washers with the eventual rubber bushes but I didn’t really want to risk it.

Continue reading “14 steps forward, 52 back”

Creeping forwards

fury_for_snettertonThere’s another race meeting coming up so I needed to sort the Fury again. After Silverstone I was concerned that I might have deranged the suspension after narrowly missing a spinning Duncan by escaping over the huge kerb at Becketts. I noticed at the weekend that the F1 people were whinging about Monza having put some huge kerbs in. Serves them right, I reckon.

So, I tipped the Spectre chassis on its side-it’s still light enough to do that-and put the Fury in an accessible position and spent a merry 5 hours checking the suspension alignment, which all seemed to be fine. Hmm, that was a waste of time then.

Continue reading “Creeping forwards”