Another weekend in Anglesey: 1

I spent the weekend a couple of weeks ago in Anglesey again. Colin and I had entered for the Welsh Racing Drivers Association races there. I did these races a couple of years ago too and had had a great time. After the 750 meeting a few weeks ago it was hard to resist.

The photo here, by the way, I’ve nicked from the WRDA site. I hope they don’t mind… This is just after thestart of the first race on Saturday and I’m in 7th place having had to take avoiding action from that Mondeo in front of me which made an attempt at knocking me off the track. He later on made another attempt on Colin (who’s actually in the lead here) which battered Colin’s already considerably battered car rather seriously.

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A short race

I’ve been looking at the data logs from Donington. I was rather amused to see this picture of my complete race there. As you can see, the bit to the start/finish line was almost as long as the rest of the race.

No worry, I’ve lightened up a bit now. I’m actually doing some races next at Anglesey with a different club. Hopefully that means I can relax a bit and get my brain back into gear.

Nearly time for another race

Well, I’m finally getting there.

I finished off unbending the right rear and put it all back together again. I keep thinking I ought to get some new hubnuts one day. They’re great big nylocs and are the original ones I got from the the Kit Car Workshop back in 2004. In fact, the originals that they supplied were all bashed up and I got some new ones from them. These have now been on and off so many times that they could really do with replacing.

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Using the green bits at Cadwell Park

Well, that wasn’t quite what I intended…

Much like last time out at Brands I came to Cadwell wanting to get under the 1:40 barrier which I’d never managed before. I wasn’t testing this time though, although I had signed up for the Allcomers/Hot hatch race on the Saturday to try and get at least a little testing in. Hence, we got to Cadwell on the Friday evening and set up in a surprisingly empty paddock.

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A long weekend at Brands

Extraordinary wallowing carSo, I’m back from Brands and I’ve finally got around to updating this site. The problem is, I’m in the middle of writing the “qualifying dissertation” for my PhD and haven’t really had the time to get around to this place. Still, the one line summary of Brands is that I went faster than I’ve ever done before but it was still a rather frustrating weekend.

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