Onwards and upwards

Yet again, too long since the last update. I’ve just been moving forwards very slowly on many fronts so this is a sort of catching-up post.

I finished the oil cooler duct, as seen in the photo. I hope it’s going to have some  effect, if it doesn’t I’ve got a couple of ideas as to how to persuade more air to do into it. It’s not particularly pretty though.

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Pressured and punctured…

So, at long last it was time for the J15’s race debut. In fact it was two debuts as I’d entered the Allcomers race as well as the RGB race so as to get a bit of track time. That meant scrutineering at 0730 but, as you’d expect, I’d woken up by 0530 anyway and after struggling to get back to sleep I gave up.

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Wishing well

OK, it’s been a bit long since the last post. Sorry about that but things were rather thrown off-kilter by rushing into hospital with Anthea in an ambulance; blue flashing lights and everything. Don’t worry, things are fine but it does make you think that when a surgeon says some procedure is minor, no problem at all, improve the quality of life no end, then you ought to think that he’s the bloke with the sharp dangerous looking knife and he would say that, wouldn’t he?

Consequently, not much has happened here really; apart from the fact that the season is rushing up on us with alacrity, Colonel Raeburn*. So much alacrity that Colin and I attended the first of this season’s Race Technical Committee meetings yesterday. Continue reading “Wishing well”


Well, the plan was that we would go to Snetterton on Saturday for the first test courtesy of a Bookatrack track day.

Well, that was the idea anyway. We wended our way up there earlyish on Friday with the intention of getting a time driving around the paddock that evening. As it happened it was too dark really. What’s more, it was throwing it down with rain. So, we went to bed. Continue reading “Drownded”


Still on the topic of the infernal driveshafts, I decided that it really, really, was the case that they were too long. I have absolutely no idea why this should be the case but it is. As such there really isn’t a choice other than to get some new ones. It may be possible to shorten the other ones, seen here languishing on the garage floor, if only for use as race spares. However, that would have to be done by either cutting and sleeving them or, if Icould find someone to do it, friction welding them.

Continue reading “Shafted”

Keep on tracking

As discussed in the previous post in this apparently never-ending lurch through a tale of cock-ups and curiosities I had to modify the front suspension. So, I cut off the little “ears” that I’d welded onto the front spring mountings an eon or two ago.

This was actually spectacularly difficult to do and I only managed it with the aid of a cutting disc in a Dremel and going very slowly. You can just about see in the photo where they were.

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