Bar the shouting

It’s getting perilously close to the next race but barring a bit of shouting, the car’s now done. I wonder if it will work properly?

I took it up to Andy’s last week and he modified the old exhaust system to fit to the new engine. I think it’s ended up being a bit of a bodge, to be honest, but with luck it will work well. I do keep wondering if I should have had a complete new system built.

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Startup 08

It’s definitely the finishing straight now, barring some horrific problem. First up is that I finished re-installing the transmission. As a consequence of careful design and planning, cough, it all fitted fine and will hopefully work OK.

Luckily, the gearchange lever on the ’08 engine is in almost exactly the same position as on the ’07 engine so no change was necessary here. You can see my super-long gearchange cable snaking around the engine in the photo here.

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Liftoff approaches

Well, at least I hope it does.

Since I was last here I’ve been pressing onwards, and missed the RGB meeting at Donington last weekend. Anthea and I went up to watch and got burnt in the sunshine while watching the RGBers swooping down the Craner Curves. What’s to bet that when we go back there later in the year it’ll be raining, like it’s doing at the moment? More importantly, it’s now not long until the meeting at Snetterton which I’m aiming at for the newly engined car.

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Too slow…

Last weekend was the first of out visits to Snetterton this year. We were running on the 200 circuit which is pretty much the same sort of layout at the original circuit, albeit with the hairpin at Montreal which is huge shame after losing Sear and the left hander at Murray’s which is a replacement for the original Russell chicane. It’s a shame to lose the original Coram corner and, also, Jim Russell’s name from the circuit. The interesting bits of the new circuit are all on the 300 circuit, as I tested on earlier this year.

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Onwards and upwards

Yet again, too long since the last update. I’ve just been moving forwards very slowly on many fronts so this is a sort of catching-up post.

I finished the oil cooler duct, as seen in the photo. I hope it’s going to have someĀ  effect, if it doesn’t I’ve got a couple of ideas as to how to persuade more air to do into it. It’s not particularly pretty though.

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I thought you said you’d finished that?

Finished what? Well, just a moment and I’ll tell you. Up first, though, is a riveting photo of a wheel and tyre. This is a new A048R mounted on one of the wheels that I bought from Compomotive a while ago. I know it looks just like one of the Fury wheels but it’s got a different offset. When I took the car to Andy’s I had real trouble getting it on the trailer because the different offset of the Fury wheels I was using at the time meant that that track was 38mm wider than it should be.

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Her redness alights

Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy the past few days to update the site. However, I’m back again now to blether on about things for a while.

Most importantly, I got stuck in on the bodywork while there was a bit of space in the garage. So, there’s been rather a paroxysm of filling, rubbing down, priming, flatting and spraying going on. And, of course, the house smells of cellulose.

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