A tardy Caddington Park

As seems usual these days, I start with an apology. Since the last post I’ve been racing at both Cadwell and Doningon. It’s the usual excuse, I’ve just been too busy, although I did spend a welcome weekend tramping around the Peak District. All the same, despite the tardiness, I did go to Cadwell and Donington and completed four races without major mishap.

Wasn’t quick enough though…

Continue reading “A tardy Caddington Park”


So, on with the tale of the engine upgrade.

As a couple of people suggested to me, I made a support for the standard-sump equipped engine as in the photo here. This allowed me to support the engine in position to see what I was going to have to do to make some engine mounts.

Note that I’m using a motor sport magazine to get the support at the right height.

Continue reading “Electrification”


Yet another odd weekend; one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward. Whatever, I haven’t accomplished what I set out to do. Ho hum.

Everything was all going so well too. I assembled the left rear suspension, using all those bearings I made a while ago, and assembled the upright using the nice shiny new driveshaft. Continue reading “Txing”

Another day, another panel

Shoulder panelI’ve nothing to say really, but posting things makes me think that things are moving forwards, and I can continue whining to you lot about the tedium of panelling.

I added another two of the little b*******s to the car today, the first being the “shoulder” panel in the photo. By the way, in the background you can see the Fury sitting there all unloved and neglected. However, I’m going to have to start re-invigorating it soon. I’m hoping to get the J15 to a rolling chassis versi0n fairly soon so as to facilitate that.

Continue reading “Another day, another panel”

The return of the tedium

If you remember, I said I was bored with panelling. Well, I am so again. However, before moaning about that, here’s another picture of the diff assembly.

The only difference between this and the previous ones, is that I’ve made one of the spacers that hold the plates in the right position. Of the other two apices of the triangle, one will bolt to the rear engine mounting and the other will have another spacer, but one with a connection to one (or two, I haven’t decided yet) turnbuckles for getting tension in the chain.

Continue reading “The return of the tedium”

Sprocket to me

It’s another of those three steps forward, two back posts. Actually, I don’t know how many back it is really.

First, though, the forward bits. Most importantly, the chassis is now back home again. As you can see, I took the trailer off back up to Soham and collected it. To be honest it isn’t a fantastic job, but it’s good enough. It’s not quite the shade of grey that I was after either, but that’s no big deal. Mind you, I wonder if I want to make the roll cage a different colour from this? In which case, I wonder if it’s possible to paint on top of powder coating? Seems possible that it’s not.

Continue reading “Sprocket to me”