Catching up

Yes I know, late again. My excuse is that I’ve really done nothing to the car that’s worthwhile talking about. I’ve just done a bunch of racing. If I’m honest I have been wondering if I’m getting to the end of my time as a racer but I have enjoyed a few highlights of the end of the season. Before that, the photo on the right is from the meeting at Croft as described earlier. Wet, as I said… Continue reading “Catching up”

Season’s End

Ducted sidepodsAs I’d escaped from the West Country unscathed I finally had a bit of time to actually do something constructive to the car. I’ve been playing around with suspension settings a lot lately and I think I’m getting a bit more on top of the car’s handling. There were a couple of other things that I’d wanted to do for a while and I’d now put them into effect. Continue reading “Season’s End”

Snowed off

Well, that was the complete opposite of a race weekend. The car is still sitting on the trailer in the garage having not moved a millimetre. The club called off the meeting at Donington due to the weather. Having seen the odd photo from Donington that seems entirely understandable.

I wonder what happens next?

Here we go again

Storage boxesThe first race of the season is now just a few days away and it’s going to be a really busy day. We’ve got two races in a day and, because Donington operate what seems to me to be a completely unacceptable testing regime, there’s no testing on the friday before the race. My view is that the club shouldn’t give the circuit our monies if they aren’t prepared to accommodate us for testing but I don’t hold much sway and so I’m going into two races on a new circuit (we’re on the GP circuit) pretty much blind.

The one slight saving grace is that the club have managed to get a test session into the start of the programme. This means that I’ve got two practice sessions and two races to fit in on the day, which is going to be a bit pressed, to say the least.

Continue reading “Here we go again”

A tardy Caddington Park

As seems usual these days, I start with an apology. Since the last post I’ve been racing at both Cadwell and Doningon. It’s the usual excuse, I’ve just been too busy, although I did spend a welcome weekend tramping around the Peak District. All the same, despite the tardiness, I did go to Cadwell and Donington and completed four races without major mishap.

Wasn’t quick enough though…

Continue reading “A tardy Caddington Park”

Liftoff approaches

Well, at least I hope it does.

Since I was last here I’ve been pressing onwards, and missed the RGB meeting at Donington last weekend. Anthea and I went up to watch and got burnt in the sunshine while watching the RGBers swooping down the Craner Curves. What’s to bet that when we go back there later in the year it’ll be raining, like it’s doing at the moment? More importantly, it’s now not long until the meeting at Snetterton which I’m aiming at for the newly engined car.

Continue reading “Liftoff approaches”


So, on with the tale of the engine upgrade.

As a couple of people suggested to me, I made a support for the standard-sump equipped engine as in the photo here. This allowed me to support the engine in position to see what I was going to have to do to make some engine mounts.

Note that I’m using a motor sport magazine to get the support at the right height.

Continue reading “Electrification”

A short race

I’ve been looking at the data logs from Donington. I was rather amused to see this picture of my complete race there. As you can see, the bit to the start/finish line was almost as long as the rest of the race.

No worry, I’ve lightened up a bit now. I’m actually doing some races next at Anglesey with a different club. Hopefully that means I can relax a bit and get my brain back into gear.