2018 review

I guess I ought to stop apologising for being late with these posts, and just accept the fact that I just don’t get around to things quickly enough these days. I’m pretty much retired now (although just starting some new complex systems research) so you’d think I’d have time. Seems to escape me though. And, no, I’m not spending all my time watching daytime TV.

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The Pre Combrian Era

Anglesey coastalThe next meeting, at Castle Combe, is coming up so I thought I’d write a quick missive to get up to speed with this increasingly out of date site. In fact, it’s quite likely that by the time I finish this it’ll be after Combe. Of well…

To be honest, most of my time recently has been spent doing non motor racing things. Since the last post we’ve been cycling in the Peak District, done the Way of the Roses coast to coast cycle path on our tandem, driven to Italy and back—mostly with the car roof down—and done a couple of motor race meetings. That’s one of them above, at the imperious Anglesey Coastal circuit. We’ll start with that race… Continue reading “The Pre Combrian Era”

Red nose day

SunsetOK, I realise that I’ve been very uninformative recently although some of you may have noticed the odd posting on Facebook. As a consequence this is going to be a rather truncated posting to just give you the general idea.

In a while you will understand the relevance of that rather spectacular photo on the right, for which many thanks are due to Dan Sayles: “Afghan Dan” to his friends for reasons too bizarre to go into. He always takes a set of great photos of RGB meetings and this is one of the best. For now, though, just look at the nice picture.

Continue reading “Red nose day”

New season coming rushing up

Fullscreen-capture-12022013-231258Finally,  I seem to be making a bit of progress on the car. Mind you, precious little of this progress has translated to this website. I have, though, been doing stuff on two other sites. The new 750 website was produced with a good deal of help from me and I’ve also been putting together a new site for RGB to go with the existing forum. Note that even if you’re not an RGBer you can now invest in some RGB teamwear to make you feel more a part of the action. Perhaps, though, the RGB umbrellas will be a better choice if we have the same sort of summer as we had last year.

Continue reading “New season coming rushing up”